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Has had to go back under its bridge. !
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got any personal superstitions, here's one of my wife's. If she should get up in the night to go to the loo, she thinks that she has to be back in bed before the toilet has finished it's flush. Weird...
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are chatting when one of them spots the others husband and exclaims, '' Oh look Gloria ! He's bought you a bunch of flowers. '' Gloria turns to look and replies '' Bloody hell, thats me on my back...
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in a bar and asI went in, I noticed two pretty girls lookink at me. '' Nine '' I heard one whisper asI passed. Feeling pleased with myself, I swaggered over to my mate andtold him a girl had rated me...
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Q . Why do men get confused between making love and playing hide and seek ? A. Because in both cases, after 2 minutes they shout - '' Coming, ready or not !....
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I have just looked back over last nights threads. And i see that a certain transvestite troll ( who i suspect is Gravy ) posted a thread all about yours truly here, I am most amused. LOL
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says 53 % of woman want bigger bazoomers, Do you agree with his survey and are you one of them or are you one of the 47 % who are happy with what Mother nature gave you. ?
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Losing 3 - 1. ?
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Those Irish twins Jedward are doing ' Ghost Busters ' on Saturday nights X Factor !
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Did the cat get a bath and if he did how did you get on ?
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A highly exicited man rings up for an ambulance. When he gets through, he shouts, '' Come quickly ! My wife's having a baby !'' '' Calm down, please, '' says the operator. '' Tell me, is this her...
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When are you going to bath the cat. ?
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A man is queuing at the 5 items or less checkout. The girl in front of him turns around and looks at his basket. He has a 4 pack of lager and an Indian meal for one. She smiles at him. He looks in her...
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that record from the 70s called Homely Girl, I think it was by the Chi Lites.
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A little girl goes to the barbers with her dad and stands next to the chair eating a cake while her dad gets a haircut. The barber smiles at her and says '' Your gonna get hair on your muffin. '' I...
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Everton on Sat, what do you recon. ?
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Paddy caught his wife having an affair and decides to kill the b!tch and himself. As he puts the gun to his head he looks at the wife and says don't laugh you are next !
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Irishman takes his goldfish back complaining it suffers from epilepsy, Shop owner says it looks calm enough to me, Paddy says you havn't taken it out of the bowl yet.

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