My mother passed away just over 2 months ago and my father is the named executor in her will and in the event that my father is deceased I would be the executor. She had cancer and her death was...
I have just joined this site and I know there have been a lot of threads on this subject. My wife passed away 4 years ago and I have had 2 ladies as companions since. I am now in my mid 70's and in...
Hi, does an estate agent have to disclose why a property sale fell through? I'm looking to buy a property that has come back on to the market but before I ask the agent why it's back on the market I...
Hi all this goes back to an earlier question of mine.update is I have had employers reply (scary reading) and full of crap lol as expected . I suppose my questions now are as I'm representing myself...
Hi all. I'm having a massive problem at work. I have Aspergers and feel discriminated. My role in my job is operations, however I am being forced to sell, and having AS I feel I have a huge...
My mother passed away in 2006 and my father passed away in 2009. My father had a lady friend for a short time late 2007 / early 2008 and she left as soon as it sank in I owned half of my fathers house...
I was sent a council tax bill dated 16/4/12 and given 7 days to pay. I went on holiday on the 15/4/12 and did not return until 2/5/12. The next day a summons arrived adding £103 to my bill and...
I have received correspondence re a parking offence I am supposed to have committed in Torbay. I purchased the car on the 1st March and it was brand new at the time and I know the car has never been...
Hi all, Im hoping someone can confirm my thoughts. we started a new contract with orange (purchased from an orange store where i made a small payment to wards the handset to reduce the monthly's) just...
Have been reported to police over an alleged altication with another driver, police have informed me that I will be called into court over incident, no witnesses, perhaps I should have reported this...
I bought light bulbs and wished to return these as although they fit the electric fitting they do not fit in the space in the ceiling. The shopkeeper states as there is no problem with the bulbs he...
Hi, I recently resigned from my permanent employment to start working as a contractor (self-employed). I provided all the necessary compliance paperwork to the recruitment agency and following...
Hi Guys, I'm trying to solve a problem can anyone help me with this please. Electra Direct ltd. is a medium sized company manufacturing electrical products and selling direct to the public. Legal...
Anybody been on the speed awareness course offered instead of taking three points on your licence? What it's like? No idea what the criteria for being offered it is.Isn't it meant for persistent...
It looks like my husband will be going to jail for bigamy as his legal wife do i have the right to a pension he receives every month at the moment it is going into his illegal wifes bank account and i...
My mother passed away nearly 17 years ago when I was 16 and I was left half of the house in trust at the time but I am now a full owner. My father and I now own half each and we are tennants in...