I've posted a question in jobs and education but with hindsight I think I should have posted it here. So, if anyone looking could do me a favour and nip over the way to have a look I'd be ever so...
If you take a very long holiday from work, say 2-3 months unpaid, will the company have to let you accrue holidays for the time you were absent. Co OH works for have a couple of men not coming back to...
if there are two executors of a will and one wishes to sell the property at a knock down price for a quick sale can the other executor object by wishing to sell for market value
I see there is a record amount of young people going bankrupt. What i was wondering was, If a person goes bankrupt and his debt is wrote off. Who actually looses money. Do the banks absorb the debt or...
Is anyone able to offer some advice on the following scenario: My ex Husband and my family home was owned in our joint names We obtained a legal separation in Dec 2009 and I moved out of the family...
my son's girlfriend moved into a studio flat 4 months ago. her energy provider has tried charging her £150 a month which is ridiculous as she is always working/at uni/out or using very little...
my husban's company is trying to force their employees to work 56 hours working week, 3 days+3nighs+3 days off, each shift 12 hours long making it 56hrs week on average. they signed contracts to work...
Hi I am applying for a job and been told I have to have a CRB check. I am a Care Assitant and had one done in September 2011 for another company, although I was only there for a couple of days. The...
Hello. I have been offered a job that may become available because the original worker has been off work with family related stress for about 3 months. Obviously, the employer just can't end his...
A friend accepted a part 36 offer last year, but a couple of months down the line they have not received the cheque despite the solicitor chasing up with the insurer. My knowledge is limited on this...
I think the conventional answer is “no dogs do not have a soul so they are unable to go to heaven”, even Rudgard Kipling in his wonderful poem Dinah in Heaven seems to accept there is no...
I have a contact order which meant i was to have my son on boxing day for 8hrs. My ex went and stayed with her parents who live an hour away by car and said if i wanted him i had to go and get him. I...
i work 9.30 - 2.30 shift in the office. My boss is saying that she is going to stagger the hours so i have to work till 4 some days. I applied for this post due to the convenient hours, and have been...
My husband and I are tenants of a local council and our 18 year old daughter is also on the tenancy. Recently she has started work and has become a non dependant, and our housing benefit has been...
i bought a used car for £5500 5 months ago. the hydrologics have gone on the clutch part. my mechanic tells me a new law was bought into place that stated all cars bought for a certain amount...
hi, how are you? anyone that know actual facts about this would be helpful i was living in a place for a while, and when i was moving out, i gave the full months notice, but the landlord was unwilling...
I had a joint tenancy with my ex boyfriend, the deposit for which I paid on my debit card. The rent always came out of my bank account. 1 month before the end of the tenancy, he left without informing...