help please and parsing 12a sorry for retiring american musician 7 ?R?????I??U? 40a area with points of intersection,not over range 5 ???E? 9d portion pit out,not acceptable 4 D???deal?dole?dose? 17d...
The week 1304 is a tad evil this week.
Fáil to keep behind a rock rabbit?
Teacher expresses disapproval about naughty rose?
Is it Tutorial?...
all the answers contain double letters, eg knee. 30. Not expensive (10) 36. Not PC (13) 37. Evidence not allowed in court (12) 39. Breed of dog (10) closing date 31 march for local charities in kendal...
Alphapuzzle cryptic clue for today.
[As there appeared to be no interest in the Ultra Alphapuzzle last Sunday, I'll leave it to someone else to start a thread if they want to.]...
Help with these two please..
14a 'There's no commoner letter...'(Macbeth) (5)
Is it ...thane?
9d Fitness review: I buy last one. (9)
Thank you....