8d, The Mafia,as cartoons may depict(4,6)C-S-, N-S-R-? 22d,There's a bird in the toilet, cardinal(4) L--N? 27d, As may be seen on a horse's head ( a hot headed one, persumably)(5)B-A-E? Any help with... ...
men initially on parade somehow consult a chart for orientation . (3,4) I expect that the first word is map. second word possibly ?I?D thanks for looking
Quickly read novel, one set in a state north of Maine (7). The answer is "SKIMMED", which I assume is "quickly read", but I cannot explain how the answer is reached. I appreciate any help you can... ...
19d Word of explanation as dandies err, initially, about cape (7) I see that the solution is BECAUSE but I can't understand why. Can someone please help?