What if any, are your favourite Grab lines? Such as "Your'e only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!". One that is doing the rounds in my town is, From Snatch, Gorgeous George as he drives into the...
A man namely Robert Trebor, has dedicated his life to creating palindromic stories. The technique is clever but the content is tedious and awkward to follow. Reginald Gub a reknown literary critic,...
A man goes into a doctors breaking wind terribly, like really bad. "Please help me doctor, i can't stop farting" The doctor picks up a long stick with a hook on the end. " oh no" says the man " Your...
A body was found in a London Pizza hut, it was covered with salami, pineapple, anchovies, spicey beef, mushrooms and pepperoni. The police believe the man "topped" himself
A Scotsman, an Irishman and a Chinese man were set on to work as labourers on a building site. They were taken to an enormous pile of rubbish by the foreman who explained that it must be moved. He...
We have put two portakabins on the garden of a house that my friend owns. This house is classed as a house of multi occupation, there are 5 people living there seperately. The kabins are there for use...
Against all common sense, a friend of mine aquired a copy of MS Vista from a boot sale, a copy, as you might expect for ?8. He loaded it into his brand new hi spec pc overriding the XP that was on it....
A single mum type is walking through a hi rise complex pushing a baby in a pushchair. An elderly Jamaican lady walks over and admires the baby, " Oh lord, what a beeootiful beyaby, is he teething...
Has any other Python fan heard (i think it was only on a record) the "Ralph Melish" sketch. Read by Michael Palin it is one of the cleverest sketches ever in my book!
Has anyone got a recipe for wichitty grub caserole? I tried it in greenland once, i have some eggs hatching soon. I would like to try and market a frozen version.