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ToraToraTora They should not have enough for bob hope!...
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ToraToraTora we should follow suit all over UK but what I find remarkable is that smokers are so selfiush that they'll gas their own children rather than wait for...
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Time to ban these fairy tales from schools? Surely all this clap trap has no place in education beyond the study of how stupid the human race is. Let's at least make faith schools illegal to start...
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We've all seen the damage it does especially to politicians so why do they use it? I mean we are all human they can get in a "tired and emotional state" same as the rest of us, and utter some jibe or...
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ToraToraTora Should the law be getting involved in what is basically a domestic?...
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ToraToraTora Finally they get one right!...
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ToraToraTora Has Hanauer got a point here?...
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OK I have a wood sheet floor that I need to stick vinyl floor tiles to. What glue do I need any ideas? ideally some sort of spray on product would be good. There is plenty out there but they all seem...
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Just watching dispatches, apparently 50p per unit minimum pricing would save 1000 lives and save £5bn. So what do we think ABers?...
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ToraToraTora So what's new, anyone can always ask for anything, doesn't mean it will be granted, so what's new here? "Dear megabank, please may I work flexible hours?" -...
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What a kin surprise EU goes against Britain! Ok we are going to have this marxist imposed on us....should please mikey anyway! If I was the PM I'd march...
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ToraToraTora I'm sorry this stinks to high heaven!...
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ToraToraTora No more ridiculous than their real policies!...
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If a parking ticket from the council says: "Served on dd/mm/yy by civil enforcement officer (CE0) :nnn who had reason to believe that the folowing contravention had occurred.......etc" does that mean...
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ToraToraTora I just cannot comprehend the nastiness of some people....
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ToraToraTora Blatter is so desparate he's doing what all lefties do when they don't like something, start accusing critics of isms! Is this a clear indicator that the...
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ToraToraTora Time to give the motorists another kicking!...
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ToraToraTora Peter Hain doesn't think so, yet! So how will Ed and co persuade the public that he is PM material?...
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They seem quite advanced so why are none in the shops?
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ToraToraTora As we commemorate DD landings, it's now 60 years since this chap was hounded to death by draconian stupidity of the day. His contribution saved many...

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