Last ones
4d. Ten letters from fifth school (4) O?ON (is it OXEN and why)
15d. A bit of gold and silver someone put away (3) L?G (maybe LOG but why)
10d Figure badger has no reflection outside (7) ?o???o?
23a Programme about investigators one caught (7) ???i???
25a Soldiers equip during offensive, note (7) ???g???...
4d. Small fish are reportedly in a row 6d. Mostly flat top of extended embankment 7d. Turn foot during jump over board (5) 11a. Terminal with nothing added - terminal to close 15a. Lie about conman's...
7d. Basic duty mariner neglected (11) 9d. A bar managed by Enoch used to be a club (9) 12a. Vessels not boarded by redhead going to sea (7) Y?U???? 15a. Cop involved with hit is a nut! (9) ???T?????...
1a. Lush imbibing hard drink (4) ?H?? 3d. Rubbish journey with worse end 5d. Atmosphere, as around an old city 7d. Note read from beginning or end 14a. Headwear diminished by tatty attire 25a. Forward...
1d. It's very loud, as is proper 12a. Info about soldiers wanting experience (5) ????N 13a. Go down a lakeside embankment (5) L???? (possible LEVEE or LEAVE) 6d. An endeavour inferior to theft 26a....
4a even if getting run over (7) T??o??h
23a Malign copper reversing into traffic (7) T?????e
24a Finger bearing a ring mark unacceptable (2 words 7) ??????h...