can anyone help with the last three answers: 8D: A ligh soft yeast cake full of small holes eaten toasted, c-u-p-t 21A: Northern oceanic diving bird with black and white plumage and a long narrow...
Can someone help please, the clue is Which Celeb turns 37 on Friday, i.e 23 May. Lettters are as follows but are mixed up: g g b r r o o o n s e e e, can't see how to make anyone's name from that....
Having real trouble this week folks, can anyone help. Across, 3, With sun shining freely, u---o-d-- 12, Dawns (English) plural( --r-r-- Down, 4, Material for lowering temperature, --o---t 7, Hate,...
Last three can anyone help. 29a, It seperates Italy and hte Balkan penninsular, -d-i-t-c-e- 18d, Shares allocated in abonus issue (financial) s-r-p 40d, Dutch astronomer who helped to understand the...
Nearly done but a couple I can't get, can anyone help, please? 8d: Rural resident considered by dwellers to have unsophisticated manners? I have country but cannot get the second word. 19a:...