40a) Even urge herd into riverside plant (4) r???
29d) Prime suspect hiding out at lively celebration (7) s?in??g
30d) In confusion , greet figure (7) i?teg?r - Is it integer?...
10a [9 6] subordinate phrase u--------/------ 3d [7 8]tuneful celebratory greeting -------/-e-e---- 13a [9] of story with hidden meaning a-------- 14d cocktail with whisky and drambuie [5 4]...
5d, Dee - river producing very slow flow (7) D?????? 11a, Cause to resent bit of bile in one throwing out (8) E?????E? 14a, Cut tax (6) ????SE Is the answer Excise 7d, Tree covering more than half of...
19d British Library's wary,holding nothing of rebellious nature 6 ??l?h? 16d Splodge of dessert covering one item of formal attire 5.3 ???s? T?e (? tie) 26a Cheese in salt water? That's not new 4 ???e...
I've almost completed this one but No. 24 is a problem. I've found the lyrics, but the title doesn't contain the word "eyes" - bt Earth Wind and Fire. "One more lonely night for me, I...
Completely lost today - but if I could get help with 15a it would be much appreciated. 15a Fleet Street's into pure fantasy but staunch here P?E?S??????I?T. Also can anyone help with 10a. Caravanner's...
1 ac Opera composed by Carl Heinrich Graun.(9) (?o?t?z?m?) 11ac Loose fold of skin hanging from beneath the thoat in cattle. (6) (?e?l?p) 24ac Former province of NE India. (6) (???g?l) 26ac Relating...
Stuck on 3; any help, please? 13 across. Last course suits a boy around Rugby (10 letters 5 and 5) -R I- --L-- 6 down Professionals earn money in concerts (5 letters) P---- 8 down In Darwin's study he...