Just two duds for me. 17d Face up to little sweet (7) G?M?R?? Is it gem something?? and 25a Burrowing roden in biblical wood (6) G???E? Many thanks. Tearing my hair out!
8D: How May 1st is celebrated in many countries(13, 7,3) : i?t?o???i?n?? w?d?e?t ??? 27a: Fruitful agricultural product (10): ??t???s?r 19a: Blood poisoning, or a condition in pregnancy(8): ?o???m??...
4d. Dealt diamonds and hearts only? How typical of Ulster (3,4) Red ---n- 18d. Delighted to have it quietly rented out (7) -l--s-- 19d. It can repeat the average rubbish (6) -a-r-- 26a. In a taxi,...
Please can anyone help The interruption that' stupid, eliminating one way to reverse course ?H?E? ??I?? TURN 14 across Weapons training that makes sailor understand rouring, when in charge T?R?E?...
everything that's attractive in feminine make up 3,6,4 a?l ???n?? ???? - all sth sth paternal possibly or maternal 8 ??????a? - parental ? seemed like a paper the editor reorganised 8 ?p??????...
I know it's late, but I am really stuck on one, 49a Bitingly humerous (9) _A_I_I_A_. I'm sure it's obvious, but I can't see it! Thanks in advance for any help.