Daily Record 67a edible seafish H??I Seven Days Mag 28a assign ?S?R?B? 54a painting on plaster ?R???O 31d iron rod fencing U?I?I?G? 32d having no smell I?O?R?E?? Many thanks for any help....
8d, Imagine female doctor in unusual costume (5,5)
14d, It gives high jumper an opening (7) R??????
9a, Lab worker's hint: ice can lose shape (10) ??????C?A?...
8 nessessary on a bike
14 mr lewis gains nothing
24 found on a bowling green, that is
28 went here by rail on the witching hour
33 found near an old street lamp
thanks for any help...
help I cannot get past the following page headed manage gravatars select an e mail address or add a new one I have already selected a picture but cannot get past this page