I've just checked the number of questions and recently answereds and there are very few over the last few days......
.... Does this have to be a one person mission to revert this site?
Yes i'm refering to the ones posted in the sports section! None of them were abusive. People posted their opinions! Just because every single person that posted agreed that the old site was better...
Well done!!! Here it is again. Ban away!!!! The SAB " Change It Back" petition. Ok, what have you done with it? 30+ names when i last looked yesterday and now, surprise surprise, it has gone! You can...
I know my question is not in the slightest associated with the media but I figured most people look at these topics and I wanted to know what the majority thought of: ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER BANK! I...
Clue is Charlatan and letters end up to be clearly IMPOSTER or IMPOSTOR. Which is the correct spelling? I'm finding both to be used........... Many thanks for any help, JD
Struggled to finish this one so would appreciate confirmation or otherwise on the following please. 34ac No agriculturalist, has he a collection of watches? (6-8) Hickey Gatherer? 55ac They keep guard...
manchester united's carrington groud do you have a number or addrees of where in manchester it is too.
p.s. im captain of a girls swiimming team.
from rhian sabbagh.