1. Are they little melting moments or just messy mites? 2. What cheese is made from sitting on an item for serving tea? 3. This little loop definitely has no calories in it's centre? 4. Not sure... ...
1. A place where BMW's Fiats and Rovers live? (7 letters) 2. These vermin don't want this (10 letters) Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you
Eg. One for sorrow two for joy Answer MAGPIE
1. A day trip on this can be exciting (7 letters)
2. No score (4 letters)
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks...
Eg. Starts with E = L A S A O L I E N C
Answer is Escallonia
1. Starts with P = W O L F R A C H E P E G O G E D
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks...
This is a line from one of Fanny Crosby’s hymns
1. Like a ______________, Jesus will _______________ His children
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...
1. Anytime you don’t want anything you (3,2)
2. Your life would be extremely boring if you had nothing to (7,5)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
1. Love to God and neighbour 2. Round the world the message bring 3. The real and true meaning of Christmas 4. This is the Christmas that everyone sees, but Christmas means more to me. Any help would...