answers have connections with 1952 4) Tourists to England in the summer. 5) Short Sci-fi story in fact written by Samuel Youd. 7) Opera commissioned to celebrate the Queen's Accession 11) A moment of...
answers have connections with 1952. 1)A beer celebrating its Diamond Jubilee. ??D????? 2) Name of the Christmas number 1 singer. ????J???? 3) Opened its doors in 1952 and has never snapped shut....
Link words 6)couch Fritter (6) 8)Off Beam (7) 9)Vast Rule (8) Cryptic high street stores past & present 1)pensioner's daughter Words containing ' ALL' 3)An artistic dance (6) 6)Spellbound (10)...
4)Country of vehicle lovers? (9) 11)Included in the last errand of the day (5) 12)Might go ahead of white, or chase tiger (4) 26)Plead atop a pair of vowels! (7) 28)I swear it is not right at all! (8)...
15) Mucking about (7,6) 37) Tenderness (6,2,1,4) 41)At breaking point (3,3,5,4,5,3,6,4,) think it must be the straw that broke the camels back but what is the first three letter word? 42)Less if...
27)the Queens dresser (6,5)
35)Photographer in-law (4,7)
65)Son who enjoys travel! ( 6,6)
80)Official birthday event (8,3,6)
93)Roof-top National Anthem played by ( 5,3)
Thanks for any help...
place name in British isles containing a boys name
2)Was the 4th Duke of hungary, plus a point (2,8)
49)Legaljudgements are made here, plus he had 6 wives (5,5)
Thanks for any help...