put up or persevered with. Going on the thread about watching a tv drama programme because of the writer, review. To follow it for weeks and then come to the end and realise what a waste of time. Do...
A post I have just read regarding minimum age for AB users got me thinking.... What is the age range on this site? Hope you dont think my question rude, if you dont want to post your age, then that is...
Does anyone have a complete package from Sky e.g Broadband, unlimited day and off peak phone calls, and a Sky+ box to record programmes too? I have my BB router upstairs, the main TV downstairs and...
I watched this film last night and it got me thinking, if your partner lost all memory of their life with you, what would you do or say to make them fall in love with you again?
Ok so I really like this guy. And he likes me. But he really likes this other girl. And he told me of he didn't have her he would be all over me. Well I told him I liked him and now he's confused. He...
Well, the present shopping is all done - just need to wrap some of it. I stupidly decided to go to my local Sainsbury's today to get a few bits - totally mental! People were even parking their cars in...
Do you think being a step-parent is harder than being a parent? I feel that I am only just getting to grips with family life, I moved in with my partner and her toddler son 6 months ago. I thought...
A little late in posting to day a Christmas get-together intervening. For those of of you who may have missed the preceding one and wish to follow the thread, then start with yesterday.......
Apologies if this has been asked before but do you put decorations up at Christmas time, lights, tree etc? If you don't, do you mind if I ask why? This years I haven't bothered because I just am not...