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plez plez does any one know who sings the song & title in the foxes biscuits ad where the man comes in frm the garden and there's one biscuit left so he shares it with the lady.
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which group is the best group of all time
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Where is the best deal to purchase injet cartridges,in particular hp inkjetprint cartridge no 78 Thanks brandyone
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I have an Apple Powerbook, and I know that by design they tend to make your lap fairly warm (like a kitten curled up on it but more useful), but seriously, mine gets so hot Im worried its going to...
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What do you think?
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Has anyone found an electronic cat scarer that actually works?
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What is your sexual nickname? mine is "Throbbing Python of Love"
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A male born in 1928 would have been 17 when WWII ended. Conscription ended (I think) in 1958. Any reasons why he did not do National Service as far as I know? Could it have been to do with his job in...
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Please can someone tell me who the woman is in this video
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I vaguely remember a comedy TV show called girls on top which I think had ruby wax in.. Possibly French and Saunders. I could be completely wrong but I am sure this show existed. If anybody remembers...
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TP.... Cop (or robber) distraught in welsh folly. F ... Les Battersby stole their trolleys. DC...kindly cops heard her murder confession. SA ... mugged by two girls. G ...Norris Cole stole this from...
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Please could you help with a quiz? These are shows (or so they say!!) Two American Servicemen?? Dairy lass from the hills?? Three Old Pence?? Wandering Monarch?
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Moving on from my earlier thread about most hated sports people give me - in order - your most hated British Clubs and why.
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Instead of burying our rubbish couldn't it be incinerated in power station furnaces saving coal and geting rid rubbish in one go?
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what in the music in the fox's tv ad, it sound like it's from the 50' or 60'
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This is a great song/video from a great Movie.... here This is the theme music/video by Ennio Morricone.From a brilliant Film... play loud ::~~(((*_*)))~~::
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What do you rate as the sexiest music video? My vote is stacey`s mom:- Fountains of Wayne
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Following the response I got from the fictional pubs post, I am compiling a charity quiz about dogs/ owners in books, film, tv etc. Heres what Ive got, want to answer add any yourselves? What was the...
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Why do people take it as their daily paper?
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Is current affairs a site for a thought.

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