11a Adolescent, say, still to show growth spurt? (5) TEEN_ Teene, teens, teeny? 21d Holds to an opinion- content of crucial information gets ignored (6) C_IN_S Clings(?) Why?
Would it be possible to travel from Lands End to John O'Groats using a network of 'local' qualifying buses? It is my understanding that longer distance inter-town/city buses are not eligible.
Currently I have 4 items from 2006, 6 items from 2007 and now over 12 items for 2008 in the AVG Virus Bank. Am I right in thinking that if I select 'remove from virus bank' icon on AVG tool bar and...
I'll try to explain as simply as possible. In the course of my work I have sets of three A4 pages emailed to me by a researcher. In turn , I attach these as an 'attachment' to various emails I send...
Bought one of these for wife's birthday last July and its been in box until today. I think I might have made an expensive mistake. Need to get a wall mount bracket before I install it but it has...
Last week went to start car and battery was flat. It had been standing for about a week in cold damp weather. Didn't have someone I could get a jump start off immediately so decided to clean plugs...
Still stuck on 4d A_C_WHOW Expression of disgust which possibly interrupts a cry of pain (8,2 words) Don't know where separation is and can only think of anag owhich in aow
How do people who are forced through circumstances to live in a car (and move around the country looking for work), get motor insurance without a bricks and mortar address or indeed any particular...
Have you tried to register your answer and been unable to get through or lost money by being timed-out? http://www.phonepayplus.org.uk/consumers/how_t o_complain/form/default.asp This should help
Going to Prague next Monday. Last time I went I was able to buy a 5 day bus/metro ticket from Tourist Information in the Airport. As it is my intention to get the 119 bus from the airport to Dejvicka...
I use MSN as homepage. When I click on Internet Explorer http://uk.msn.com/ appears in the address bar and MSN webpage comes up. I use McAfee web advisor and, as to be expected, it gets a green flag....
Did pre MOT check on wife's 'T' reg Daewoo Matiz. Tyres,bulbs,wiper blades etc. Also changed air filter and cleaned plugs to help with emissions test. Engine running in standing position from cold for...
I have just posted a question with the above title in Media & TV. On reflection, as it is of a technical nature, I feel it would be more appropriate in this section. Please have a look at Media & TV