11a, Way of walking whilst taking one gun round(4) -A-K? 12a,Book her Jamie misbehaving(8) T-R-M-A-? 14a,Electrical instrument used to shatter another egg inside(8)-H-O-T-T? 20d, I had turned up £2... ...
8d, Departed to view a letter that has become dilapidated (4,2,4)G-N-, To ,S-E-? 20d, Chemical process occuring when you transport the ox to Indis(9)O-I-A-I-N?
12d,If nothing else a non-drinker should go round the fields(2,5) A-L-C-T? 18d, Expedition leader left heavy burden at island(5) W-G-T? Last two .Any help woukd be great .
2d, After reaching zenith some doctrine about buffoonery(7)Z-N-I-M? I have in Zendium as it fits .Would anyone know or have the answer to this one please.
1d, The navy in town in Hampshire(5)F-E--. 2d, After reaching zenith some doctrine about buffoonery(7)Z-N----? 6d, Teem with sweat, surprisingly it's the sugary confection?(9)S-A-T---T? 14a, Pudding... ...
2d, It's understood the container is disinclined to speak(8) T-C-T--N. 12d, Does such an intensive agricultural unit specialise in an industrial , rather than food, plant?(7,4) F--T--,Y---M 25a,... ...
2d, Ribeye steak , made of reconstituted centre toe(9)E---E---E? 16d, How can Bob lack this meat product associated with Ulster(5,5)----C, Bacon? 10a, Travel with a bird?I know what you mean!(3,2)... ...
12d, unhappy at having to griddle nuts like this(11) D--G--N-L-D? 8&21a.Do they raise their glasses in Paris to this snack?FRENCH E-A-T? Any help would be great.
1d, such beastly transport can clearly trot around(6,5)CATTLE,----Y? 15a, One can't bid lower than this for half of one's pitch and putt equipment(3,4)--E, ----? 13d, Many awkward , ungainly lads... ...