all answers are things that can be worn 21 small low stool, worn inside socks 23 toffee men in blue, spirits in pub 34 can do this on frosty morning ---- 46 join three pipes together, bad tempered or...
1. Northern Seaside feature (11,9) 2. Part of a yellow flower (9,6) 3. A Let Down (6, 7) 4. A pretty little pink flower (5-3,8) 5. Possible source of fuel (7,9) 6. You wouldn't like to eat this (5,8)...
all the answers are two words beginning b p 1Don't mess with these men of the sea! (4.7) 2. Another one! (9.4) previous question was French scientist and Christian apologist, but perhaps this has...
no number of letters given
42 UNESCO world heritage site is our capital
44 open area for andy fordham
45 worth £120 probablya bit more than that!
many thanks for any help x...
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH HERCULIS 20.5.13 Hello can any body offer any help on these please? I am well up a gum tree! 14a Cut of beef slow-cooked or used to make soup? 6ltrs O?T?I? 18a The pattern or...
Stuck on a couple of clues & would really appreciate help....I'm stumped!!!
3D) Be silent (4 LETTERS) T??E
5A) (L) Namely ((abbr)) (2 LETTERS) S?
All answers have roots. Stuck on a few, help please. 1/ Could be a puzzle this one (7, 4 ) 2/ Could also be covered in chocolate ( 5 3/ A prickly husk , shortened ( 7 ) 4/ Permission granted ( 7 )...
No not blue as in rude but in the colour blue We are starting a fundraising event at work next Monday to brighten up our Monday morning blues, so I thought I would do a quiz where all the questions or...
no number of letters given 42 an alternative for beach sould be chaged 60 can you use it for cleaning a vehicle? 76 c,s contains a period of time as he protects them 91when he spins salver it becomes...
I have been asked to try and solve an anagram but I am completely stuck. The answer has four words and it is an item found in a kitchen cupboard. Any help as usual will be gratefully received. I...