These are all handrawn squares with drawings or words inside them. 5) DAVA -5.18. 12) A square with drawing of a little boy or man at the bottom of the square. Thank you for any assistance....
I am doing a logo quiz and there is one that is bugging me but a bit awkward to explain but here goes. It is a one continuous line drawing of an adult bending down to a child Any help would be...
6) It's a con i tell you, wthin (7) 10) Summer visitor has a pint (6,4) 27) In the begining,Olive Reid;s creative hat is displayed (6) Just these three left and i would appreciate any help Thank you....
Dave Hadleigh,Bob Barrett,Dave Mansell and Paul Mathews have a major interest in which list published by the government on Thursdays?
Thank you once again for any help...
62. Which city was the first in Europe to have electric street lighting? 63,What name was given to the memorials signyfying where the dead Queen of Edward 1 lay each night whilst her body was taken to...
32) Colds needing supply of tissues!(9) 33) Bone followed by half a French sweet(6) 36) A hundred and fifty followed by a direction(6) 19) Ash,Oak,or Elm All answers are pertaining to Christmas...
4)Firmly fixed,noteasily altered(6) 19)Ash,oak or elm(3) 25)Mike initially followed by extreme displeasure(6) 29)Strange Billygoat(3,6) All answers are something pertaining to Christmas thanks in...
25) Familiar name for an order of insects having aquatic larvae most of which are either tube builders (variously using tiny stones,sand grains or plant fragments),or they are web-spinners living in...
18) Though it sounds like it moves about without aim or purpose, it is a very common gastropod that never goes far from the water (9,5) 21) Our newest crustacean invader is a predator that fully...
Heres 2 more for you very clever people out there 13) So decorated but, as amphibians go,no giant at all really! 5,7,4) 17) Playwright Arthur's digit found in a hill stream? (7,5) Thanks in advance i...