Disturbing or funny? http://www.goforyourraise.com/funcorner/mtwfqi3-3qu-how-to-fight-a-baby/ I genuinely can't make up my mind about this one. I can clearly see the baby's not in distress, but it...
I have received notification from Virgin Media that from 1st February 2014 the price of my media services will increase by £3.00 per month. Has anyone else received similar notification and are you...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2514353/Christian-guesthouse-owners-lose-Supreme-Court-battle-ordered-pay-damages-turning-away-gay-couple.html Just thought I would enter this on behalf of...
A friend at work was enjoying a day off at home when a parcel delivery man knocked at the door, asking if he would take in a parcel for next door. Being a good neighbour, he naturally agreed,...
which are your most hated,my particular two are after you have asked for a coffee, they either reply "no worries sir" or "no problem sir" why would i worry? why would it be a problem? whats wrong with...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513529/Sports-Minister-Helen-Grants-quiz-fail-FA-Cup-winners.html Shouldn't potential Ministers first be given an exam so as to qualify them for the Ministry...
Is anyone else fed up with the Post Office wanting to know what is in the parcel that I am posting? Supposedly it is for security. As if I would tell them if it were dangerous materials.
In the village of Answerbank-Under-the-Wold (twinned with the first roundabout on the road into Milton Keynes) there was recently a fancy dress party in the village pub, The Quizzes & Puzzles Arms....
What you DON'T do is put the actual spoiler in the original post ie here. It is so very easy to accidentally see the original post when looking at the front page of AB in general or any specific...
http://www1.skysports.com/frochgroves/story/29800/9034440/carl-froch-mocked-george-groves-after-he-revealed-his-pre-fight-tactics- Does watching two adult men taking part in a slanging match, with one...