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i have a cordless phone with base and a 2nd phone upstairs. i am wanting to use two more, can i buy 2 more that will work through the same line and setup?
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I have been up all night vomiting and the 'other' and I feel quite poorly this morning, having not had much sleep at all, the only thing I can think of is a pub meal of chicken curry and rice with...
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anybody played around with it this morning, very good...
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Are there any tunes you positively hate? My particular hate is The 1812 Overture by Tshaikovsky. I would run a mile rather than listen to that (that should be walk rather slowly aided by a stick, but...
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So today is Les Paul's birthday (guitar maker?). The Google logo is a guitar, and it makes a strumming sound. On ABers' birthdays ... what should the Google logo be? and what sound? For NoMercy, it...
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It's bits of a guitar, and the strings play a sound when you move the cursor over them.
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It's back tonight on BBC2 at 8pm. Compulsive viewing. Take a look at the 4 live Webcams on the Link ! Excellent. I think it's on for the next 3 weeks.
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My monitor (Xerox XA-7) keeps getting white lines marked across it if I sit on a page for more than a certain amount of time. I've tried lowering the contrast/brightness and I've left it overnight...
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Anyone tried this? The info talks about an aero physicist who inventited it after an accident and swears by it (year right)! I`ve acquired a pot and just wondered about others` thoughts.
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Noticed in remote areas like J O'groats , Lands End there are unnamed roads which just have at best a A number or nothing.What puzzles me is that these roads still have houses with residents - so how...
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....Nellie the Elephant ?
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Where can I get a map at a scale of 1;2500 on the internet to download for free. I need one to submit details to the environment agency?
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If you seen a young child that you knew one part of your body would save his / her life, & us being an old fart over 80s, would you end your life to save the child?
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what ?
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(fill in your blank)
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The answer to the following question is either an inplement or a tool. People who provide goods with no 'sub'?. Sorry I don't know how many letters it has. Hope someone can help please. Thanks in...
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its not great for drawing, but would work instead of a mouse or your finger... i used a foam tipped makeup brush - not the flat sponge tipped ones, the rounded ones made with proper foam rubber you...
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Anybody have a good recipe for making the above starting from scratch - nothing out of packets please.
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Hi All For quite a bit of time and time again - my little dog seems to sniff at the side of my shed of which I cannot get access to as it is wedged to a fence - then he barks hence I can be thinking...
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Hi anyone I just wanted to know if anyone knows what price in a auction a 'Chrome-framed crown-style wall mirror' was at all or where I would find that answer please?...

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