Does anyone know what the regulations are concerning the use use of a "staging board" (work platform) used to bridge a pit? The staging board is standard construction industry equipment and...
The one supplied with my Panasonic digital camera, (PHOTOfunSTUDIO) is, basically, rubbish, it mixes up pictures between folders, and somtimes loses them entirely! I want to be able to sort, store,...
Going to Costco in a bit. Anyone need anything ? Pack of 48 loo rolls ? Whole smoked salmon ? Magnum of Veuve Clitquot ? Calvin Klein jeans ? A jacuzzi ? Garden furniture ? Sack of rice ? Slab of...
I was interested to see Chuck's answer to another question when he said Press F11. This leads me to ask what all the other keys on that bank are for, from F1 up to F12. Is there a reference somewhere...
I remember one of the earliest pictures from Mars showed a sphinx like image on the surface of Mars. Now this:
Could there have been life on Mars?...
Hi. Somebody I know IRL has been displaying some rather odd behaviour on Facebook and I'm worried. Before I talk to others about it I need to be absolutely certain I'm not making a mistake due to not...
Hi all, I vaguely remember a programme where a newspaper was delivered a day early so the good guy could catch the bad guy or stop major incidents, I cannot for the life of me remember what it was... Yes I know, just another sordid celebrity story, but it got me to thinking, am I right in assuming that a man cannot marry his brother's wife, while his...
My Charlottes are looking great this year (despite the drought). They started flowering in late-April and have now produced some green buds the size of small cherry tomatoes. Are these 'pods'...