Anyone as pleased as I am about who's up for nomination this week and the little lies told by Big Brother? (Try every year not to get into it but can't help it!)
Is it just me or are other people concerned about the state of the housing market and the level of consumer debt. Every time I turn on the T.V its another advert of some debt management company...
Can anyone tell me if Danny actually started the fire at Johnny Allans house. When i was watching it last night it seemed as if he didnt actually start it. Now it is possible that i...
Right .... Is Makosi a plant or what? I've been hearing that she is ... but it's all nudge nudge wink wink watch this space. Does anyone have any proof?!!! PS......I cannot stand the woman!!!
I have a tub of this left after a cheese cake I tried to make ended in disaster, Never going to attempt another sweet receipe again i'm hopeless. Can anyone suggest some savoury recipes I could try to...
Makosi had a romp with Anthony just a few (3-4) days ago and now is proclaiming that she may be pregnant and has asked for a test. Can a test determine at this early stage if she is pregnant?.
What a gig, did you all see it? Used the multiscreen on BBC digital to it's full extent and can honestly say that the stuff that was coming from the Eden Project in Cornwall was just fantastic, watta...
We've had or not had are breakfast. I'm starving so what's for dinner tonight? Can you or your partner cook are we having a take away instead am I invited don't worry about the booze I drink anything...
Having just seen BBLB this morning and seeing that Chinese astrology guy, I have to agree with him! I am not a huge believer in that sort of thing but i can just see it happening!! I love Orlaith...
We were having a discussion at work yesterday about things we were scared of. One person said they weren't afraid of anything. This I don't believe, I think everyone is scared of...
You might have seen this before but I remembered it after seeing Johnny5's spelling thingy. Quickly count the number of F's in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC...
pixi posted a thread yesterday about spooky ghost stories....can you all keep em' comin...I find it interesting and it helps to pass the time here at work...anyone have anymore freaky tales??
My lab is behaving very strange lately she tends to get frantic and upset if we go out she wont eat or sometimes wont drink while we are gone, she is fine during the day when we are at work, but if we...
Just name the one person you'd kill to get near at the moment. (Andy, I will grudgingly allow BB contestants if we must...) I'll start and I think I'd have to say Johnny Depp, although some of...
My other half has started referring to herself in the third person - which I hate.....people who speak in the third person have always struck me to be very very pretentious. Anyway, turns out...
following on from spammylou's psychic thread. As anyone ever seen a ghost or has something completely weird and unexplainable ever happened to you. This happened to me and i just cannot explain...