Please help me parse a couple of clues : " Damage statuette, removing its head" - I have an answer SCAR " Ass suddenly moves front half only" - I have TWIT for an answer. Many thanks in advance....
Two clues I have the answer to but cannot parse : "Duck in its current state in refuge" (OASIS) and "Number in company allowed to cross lake's not clear" (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Any help would be welcome -...
Please help me parse "Headcase we're backing alongside Lord Lieutenant". I have an answer of SKULL - I have SU (we're backing) and LL (Lord Lieutenant) but can't explain the K !!...
"Fruit tree I ignored about to deteriorate". I have an answer of "Relapse" - "about" (re) and "deteriorate" (lapse), but I cannot connect with the rest of the clue !! Thanks for your help in advance....
Please parse "Glad authority is blocking legal document". I have an answer of "Delighted" - I can see the legal document (deed) but not the authority (light?)?...
"Oblation" is answer for 22 across - "Inspector General avoids duty....etc" - why please?
"Slur' is answer for "Slight curved line above bar" - why please?...