Do British people really drink tea as much as in the movies? and do they learn the same stuff as in America? cause i was tought that like when we broke away England was evil and controlling what is it...
What do i do if my crazy X girlfriend ruins my relationship with another girl so when i call her out on it she says she wants me back and she misses me?
I think my scorpion is poisonous but i don't know and im tempted to get stung to find out but i don't really feel like getting killed if it is sense i live several states away from where i got him so...
has anyone here ever played the game diablo? i did and i loved it especially the pat where you basically enter a war between the demon spawn of hell agenst the northern barbarians(i think they were...
is it bad that i find that new song wiggle wiggle offensive even tho im a guy? idk why i just hate that song its a good song but its just REALLY offensive to women in my opinion
my girlfriend and i spent some time together and i wont go into detail but it ended up with me getting grounded my family doesn't like her but i have loved her for a while now i even went to the...
i need a name for a female roleplay character that will be sexual she is a skinny bee girl with large breasts and large wings she likes honey (i apologize if this is not enough but i have never done...