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Grid fill is proceding quite quickly and smoothly, especially when compared to last week. However, I know that this will rapidly slow down as I know nothing about either the two adversaries or the...
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I spent a long time staring at a grid with the source filled in and a knowledge of the letters that had slipped before I started cracking the clues. Having basically solved it in the reverse order I...
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Well, I seem to be almost at the end of this and have yet to decipher the precise quotation although I think I have the gist. Fastest grid fill for some time, so all the more reason to be careful.
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Easiest one of the year for me by a long chalk. Am I getting smarter, or are these Listeners getting simpler?
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dr b
Wow. Absolutely brilliant. I tried to rotate the rings mentally, but got out the scissors after a few minutes. Then half my letters were upside down, so I printed out a new grid and re-filled it. An...
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Much more fun for me this week, challenging but not daunting. It gets much easier once the theme is grasped, but the final straight line takes a bit of spotting. One of those which manages to be...
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Thought I'd start a thread for one. Rather relieved that the Friday club are quite on this one. Have a smattering of answers but a long way to go. Happy solving all!
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Good to have a circular one for a change. I am thoroughly enjoying this - right up my street, though some of the products are elusive - not surprisingly!
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dr b
Do I get to call firsties this week? I thought this was a nice puzzle. It was a lot easier to get the keyword than I thought it might be, and once you have that everything falls into place pretty...
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Oh dear, that was far too easy! A quick trawl through my Dictionary of Interesting Numbers and a short jigsaw puzzle.
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This is what the listener is all about. As soon as I saw Kea's name at the top I knew this was going to be good. This was a real challenge, the like we have been missing recently. Masterful...
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A nice challenge and a clever construction, but as you can see, a quick finish. I'm interested to know whether others see what to do before or after discerning the 10 letter word. Cheers to Pointer,...
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A fine piece of craftsmanship from Schadenfreude: I especially like the fact that "altered words consist only of real words" after a few recently that have included gibberish in the finished...
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After part of the theme dawned on me half way through filling in the grid, i was thinking we were in for another stale ending. Luckily the ending took a fair amount of decoding, and it was very...
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Though there's another thread on on 4095, and I've contributed to it, this might help get the conversation started, though I suspect not a long one. There really isn't much to this (sorry Llig, and...
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A much bigger challenge, I thought this week, with some very clever plays involved in creating the group members. Lots of lovely pennies dropping all the way through. I'd be interested to see how soon...
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Another Friday, another Listener and another new setter (or is it). After a very straightforward grid fill, I shall now retire for a glass of something to consider the preamble. These easy fills are...
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This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
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Listener 4081 Double Cross by Radix - Two for the price of one this week. Certainly lives up to its title!
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This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...

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