4d nurse starts to call ambulance, really exhausted (4) - c?r?
10a hang on, it's a heavy load, by the sound of it (5) - ?w?i?
Any help much appreciated...
5d big, strong and beefy (5) - ?e?t?, meaty or hefty?
79a if really necessary (2,1,4) - at a p?s? Mind has gone blank for the last word. All help appreciated...
75d practice session (3,3) - d?y ?u? I would think it was try out, but the d comes from 75a make thinner or more liquid (6) ??l?t? which I had as dilute. Any help appreciated.
75a absolutely certain (8) - ?e?i?i?e I feel it should be positive but the first e comes from 50d argue or argument (7) which I have as disput(e) Any help much appreciated...
24a totally lacking in romance (8) - ?o?eless, would you say loveless? 39a sensitive, thorny (8) - t?c?l?s?. Can only think of tactless, but I would have thought that was the opposite meaning. Any...