I set myself a Lockdown Challenge to go through all the old Guardian Genius crosswords. Unfortunately, the webpage doesn't include the special instructions for the early puzzles. Amazingly, have still...
I've filled in the grid, and I think all of my answers are correct, but there are a couple where I don't see the spoonerism. Can anyone help, please? 12ac: Old cows moo? Jocks casual about one (7). I...
25 ac. A citizen of Kolkata by the maids around
ANI*ES. I'm assuming it's ANISES or ANIMES, but I can't see where either of those would fit into the sentence!
Please help! My brain hurts!...
23d River, rapid roller near battlefield, one in spate? (5)
I'm assuming the answer is RISER? But I don't get "rapid roller near battlefield". Any ideas, please?...
Help with last two!
30a Get acquainted with worthless thing in tow? The opposite (7,3 words)DOTO?IT
12 Amber, i.e. not quite red? (4)RU?D Probably rudd but why?...