Help please - more blanks in the brain this week: 1a Looking for scraps? (11) ???L?G?RING 15A Returns and surrenders (6) ?I?L?S 18a Put in again (2-5) RE-E???T 2d Don't let people see there's...
Woe is me. i broke a tooth a few months back and htought it would be OK -haa !! Last week the toothache kicked in so vallied and morgan spiced myself up to go to said dentist.I told them i was nervous...
I've looked for paper streamers in loads of shops I thought would supply crepe paper streamers but can't find them.
Can you tell me where to buy them?
please can anyone help me im not just in a state of shock i feel totally numb and betrayed after finding child porn images on my partners phone? what do i do? does this mean he's a peadophile
I just had a one line answer removed - I can only presume because I said someone was a 't w e r p'. Is that now a banned word? (If it is, I expect this question will mysteriously disappear too). :o)...
Hi Has anyone else heard of an Oxfam collector asking for your bank details? I had a woman at my front door asking for a donation, I said if she gave me an envelope I would give something but she...
God was just about done creating humans, but he had two parts left over. He couldn’t decide how to split them between Adam and Eve so he thought he might just as well ask them. He told them that...
Hey people! Ok, So a while ago before my friend got made redundant, we were talking about something random and got on to names and place names backwards. I have had 2 places written on a post it on my...