What has happened to cause these disturbances amongst colour, creed and race in the UK? I was born in 1961 in a multi cultural society (although I didn't realise that until many years later). I was at...
I was jet washing the van at work the other day when elephants came up in conversation. I have heard that you can jet-wash an elephant, but my friends said that this would rip the skin. Considering...
Happy birthday to me, I cant believe I have reached the ripe old age of 73 [ no I dont still have my own teeth I have implants so they dont sit in a jar at night.] I love "insulting"...
I need to thank my guardian angel and have a stiff drink. Just had the closest shave driving home from Big Sis's. High performance cars, low performance boy racers and wet roads do not mix well....
I have had some bad news today about a friend of ours, She is 59 years old and recently found it difficult to hold things a jar, a cup etc. After tests the hospital has diagnosed motor neurone...
Sorry for absence last night did not have a good day and went to bed early. Read the minutes, seems like a good night, new members will swell LadyA,s coffers!!