bitter, hating ABers on this site mine are like this 1. Monkeyeyes 2. 123everton 3. Lungy (which could either be monkeyeyes or 4G's to stir trouble) 4. Doc.Spok 5. 4getmenot Come on dont hold back....
what has happened to this site. I just tried to log in and its all about pedos etc. My account got deleted I think but from the looks of it Im happy Thwey have replaced the 'find friends' link to...
what gives you the right to come on here, insult me, intimidate me and most of all make me look stupid. Do u have a complex about yourself that makes you want to come on here and pick on the weak? You...
im sick of having all my user names deleted aka gravitate. so i am going to make as many user names as i can and just swear all the time during the day on ab. i mean it is annoying and if i have a...