Anyone know where i could get a hat same/ v. similar to the leather hat worn by Brad Pitt who plays the Jipsey boxer in the Film snatch? Preferably somewhere in the U.K
HELP!!! i missed an episode of desperate housewives. The episode before the one about kissing. It was last week and this week when i watched the one about kissing i was confused. Who was that guy who...
Quiet programs? Thundering adverts? Annoying isn't it? I know this thread's been posted before, but we've started a campaign to provide a voice for viewers other than registering a complaint with...
Who is the best Film Baddie of all time? I like Eric Bana in Chopper, but you kind of feel for the character, towards the end, so I dont know if this counts.
what does everyone think is the best ad on TV at the mo? and the worst? my fave is probably the Airwaves with the alien and my least fave is that bloody Hula Hoops ad in the plane!
does any 1 no what web site to go on to get 1 of those lynx cliker things were that geeky guy gets more than ben afflek ...... they look really cool :D