What was going on with Holly Willoughby's bum on Daning On Ice tonight?? when the show started it was stuck out like Jennifer Lopez' then at the end of the show it was down to her knees?!? am i going...
When I was a child I had really straight long hair. As I've got older it's got curlier and curlier and I just can't get used to it. Does anybody know why hair would go from straight to curly in...
In the film Alien (1), how does the little girl get into space? Why is she in Space? Sorry, i'm not that familiar with the film. It's something i've always wanted to know. Thanks!
http://www.makeherlikeyou.com/?gclid=CNLrxMS61 ooCFUMLQgodLR0BgA As it's Friday and my boss is away I thought I'd amuse myself with looking at one of the links on the right >>> Among the...
Hey Guys What's the song at the end of the film Resident Evil 1, when the credits are starting. It's quite like a heavy metal type rock tune and it's a male singing. Thanks!
I'm planning to go to tokyo in the summer and was wondering if anyone had any experience of doing this run with air france or cathay pacific? curious as to what service n flights were like. anyone...
Does anyone find him remotely entertaining? I gave his new show a whirl - Gwen Stefani looked embarrassed to be there and so would I. Caught a first glimpse of that appalling talent show too last...
Apologies now if people are squeamish when they watch the following video. I felt i needed to put this in this category to maximise the amount of people to see it. I cant believe this sort of thing is...
Hiya was watching this last night, and i was wondering what happened in the end, did Sam Lombardo prove his innocence? or did he rape the girls? I had to go to bed as i wasn't feeling to well and i...
I was abroad for 2 weeks and so i missed the story of Sky's baby's father. So does she know whether it's Dylan's or Stingray's? Did the baby take a DNA test?
Many Thanks!
there is a song-not to old-, kind of a slow country song that is sung by a man and the lyrics are somehting about coming home, been away to long. Does anybody know what the name might be?
Hiya guys! Can anyone tell me where i can buy online those toiletry miniature empty bottle like containers where you can pour hand or face cream into them to save you from bringing the whole bottle of...
I know this is a really stupid and pointless Question but does anyone know what Harvey's (from So Solid Crew) Girlfriend is called and what Band she is from?? Thanks, CrazyDaisy80 xXx
Firsty, GREAT show!!!! Secondly, not really a question, but its just to let you all know, that the guy who plays Daniel, is the guy who played Greg (the gay one) in Cruel Intentions?
Hiya, could anyone tell me who the killer was in the end of the film, cos i switched channels as desperate housewives was on. I really want to know. Many Thanks! x
Hi Guys! Which stop do i get off for the Warner Bros. store in London. Is the store along Regent Street or Oxford Street, or Bond Street? And which stop do i need to get off at to reach my...