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Just seen this advert (but according to the link below its from 2014) Any idea who's playing the beadle?...
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All answers relate to pigs in some way 14 What is Hen-Wen’s special gift? (7,7) 16 From which type of pig does the authentic Japanese dish called Kurobuta originate? (5,9) (I found this Kagoshima...
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The answer contains one occurrence of a double letter eg. rOOster Surname of English Test Cricketer died 1990 (6)...
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Just one to get - the answer is a cake You could say this cake is a heavenly messenger on several levels. All I can think of is Angel Delight - but thats a pudding!...
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.... asking for a relative in connection with somthing about their job. Releative has been dead for a few years, retired from the job in the 1990's. Caller was appologetic for phoning. My suspicions...
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All of these have either SP or RI or NG in the answer 4 Considered by some to be a name of one of the Magi (6) 9 Comic book villain (3 7) 15 German composer of operas (7 6) [could be Richard Strauss...
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3 on behalf of friends 1. An appropriate box of chocolates for any party 2. A box of chocolates for wedding planners We have thought of Celebrations, but we don't agree on which of the above! Of...
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Answers are tools and machines 1. Throw [chuck?] 2. Forsee, predict 5. Sue? 8. Clear the road with this. [snowplough, scrapper] 12. Inflict heavy defeat on opponent. [crush?] 15. You might have one as...
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Stuck on a few and need confirmation of some others - all answers are Biscuits 3. ? Thins [could this be Cheese?] 7. A.M. Nescafe [AM is either morning or breakfast, only think I can think of for the...
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I did wonder about putting this in Shopping or Garden, but though more chance in Chatterbank! Aldi recently had cacti and succulents (I'm assuming from 5th May, as we saw them 2 Saturdays ago.) Our...
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....just seen an advert for flight claims eg. delayed flight = claim. How long before other firms jump on the band wagon.........
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Answers are or contain seasonal-ish words (my thoughts are in brackets) 11 Beast of burden - 6 12 Chaos - 6 32 Playground game -8 35 Legume - 8 (lentils?) 37 Gymnastic move - 10 (cartwheel - but thats...
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Which Queen of England was subject to many assassination attempts? Answer - Queen Victoria Em.... she was Queen of Scotland, Wales etc. as well, hence that question is wrong! As it said "of England" I...
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I'm stuck on these LIGHTS, TOOTH, TALE. (5) {link word} PROVERBIALLY REMAINS COOL. (8) {cryptic plant} - only thing I can think of is Chilipepper - but thats too many letters!...
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Atlantic Kohl (5, 5) - I'm thinking Ocean for the Atlantic bit, but what's or who is Khol? Stein's fruit (8) - who/what is Stein? Vapour tutor (5, 5) Ford bovine (5) - have seen this one on AB - so...
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If anybody knows anybody with the postcode B26 3TH get them to head over there. - todays prize pot is £1,000 and there is only 1 person registered with that postcode! On the other hand, don't tell...
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Stuck on a few - help! TV PROGRAMMES 28. Skyline (7) [Only one I can think of is Frasier - any better ideas?] MAGAZINES / NEWSPAPERS / PUBLICATIONS 5. Seeing this usually makes us feel happy (3,3) 7....
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Which widows used to wear black aprons also changed them to purple (that is how the question is worded)...
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Just 3 to get to finish this quiz What is a Tarantula Hawk? 5 6 4 I know it a spider wasp but can't match the 5 letters part Judi Dench’s first ever stage performance was as what? 5 Found mention of...

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