i rememer years ago my ex gave his dog a dry dog food that came in asack but could also be given as a wet food if left to soak in water for 2 mins. as cats and dogs are only meant to eat 2 meals a day...
hi all im guessing im not the only housebound person in the uk that although is not physically able to go to work could actually do work from home. so how can i find a job to do at home? I have drawn...
ok so im not an idiot and i knew this was not going to be plain sailing. I have had other kittens over the years but not like this one. thursday i had a playful good natured kitten with a few issues...
hiya im getting employment support allowance. as of week 14 it is meant to go up based on what group they put you into depending on the results of your medical. I started claiming on the 5th June and...
as a tall person who is also disabled i find air travel a complete pain (take that very literally) and whenever i book a holiday i always state when i get asked about special requirements that i need...
I signed up for a free trial at blockbuster video online dvd rental service and cancelled within the 2 1 month trial as moved flat- the systrem said it had been done. i have noew logged onto the...
I signed up for a free trial at blockbuster video online dvd rental service and cancelled within the 2 1 month trial as moved flat- the systrem said it had been done. i have noew logged onto the...
hiya since seriously injuring my back, leg, hio, and foot earlier this year i have lost my job and have been unable to find any work that i am physically able to do are there any good jobs that i...
how do you become registered as disabled? is it simply a case of get disability living allowance or is it more indepth? what are the processes? many thanks
hiya i am going to try my hand at choloate making and wondered if you know of the cheapest/value for money best places to buy... chocolate pieces in bulk used purely for melting and remoulding....
hiya I hurt my back and i am awaiting full diagnosis as the problem has triggered other issues. Having lost my job due to 10 weeks off with back issues i am on employment support (like incapacity as...
Hiya we recently went to jamaica to get married and before we went we prebooked some tours with a company as they had a discount rate for internet bookings. we have used this company for several tours...
everywhere i look i can find bread and butter pudding recipes but i remember as a kid we could buy bread pudding slices (dark in colour and almost soft and sticky in texture but deep and definately...
if registered on a council list for a town in one county for yearrs on end and got nowhere do we have to start at the very bottom of a council list in another county or can it be swapped over? many...
we are 2 adults off to minehead but we have no idea what there is to do. we are staying at butlins but not having kids we decided against the entertainment package so we will be going off resort alot,...
hi all i have got married abroad and am now home and wondering to i need to let anyoone know like the council births marriages and deaths place ??? am a tad baffled many thanks t x
hi all i have been working as a temp since nov 08 and have been let go from my assignment as i have had a bad back and the dr, chiro and physio cant get to the bottom of it. i am unable to claim...
hiya we have just returned from jamaica and wish to send some thank you presents to friends out there. cant find many mail order companies out there - can you reccommend any for sending gifts also...
come back from jamaica and have a song stuck in my head (kind of - only kno some of the lyrics) can anyone tell me the song name and artist i think the words are 123, i wanna have 456, i gotta have...
I am struggling to find a good rate for us dollars on the high street and do not have online banking can you advise how and where to get the most for my money? Many thanks T x