I put some furniture on EBay for the sum of £130 on Sat, got an email from this person called "Jasmin Morgan" there was something about the wording that give me "WARNING BELLS" the person would pay...
Just sitting down after a full house after several days decorating throughout, It's now brandy time, the wife has gone out with her friends?? she might be on the game! I do not know, but anyway you...
"NO LINK" It was stated last night 6pm News that these scum that are involved with child abuse, Kebab hoses, Taxies Business's in the likes of Rochdale / Oxford / etcve their Business Licence taken...
As you come out of the York Minster at the main entrance, opp there is a short st, at the End of that Street there is a hotel on your left, can anyone give me the name of the Hotel. tia TWR.