1across units of length longer than kilometres 5letters p???s 2down plant with flowers on long spikes 5ltters ????n 10across fix in the mind 7letters s??e?s 7letters 11across maida?area of...
please could you help on last few - 4. bolduse (5.7.) to rhyme with teething troubles 8 b.one to lie in porch moving and turning in sunlight (11) 13a. its lucky its dark out in the alley at night...
Must hang my head in shame as I got thoroughly confused when asking this question. It is 17Down and the clue is " Theatre action at the cutting edge". 9 letters. I have ?P?R?T?O? I thought...
For those who replied to my post earlier re: my labrador puppy (and anyone else who likes dogs!), Here is a link to a few photos of her:
27ac Speed of an object in a given direction, calculated by dividing the distance it has by time taken. (8) (?e?o??t?) 32ac Elevation of a person to the status of a god, especially in the religion of...
Your help needed again, please. 4d replace (9) (I have feed in letters but cannot make sense of them so I won't give them to you.) 110a Of high mountains (6) and finally 52d complain (5). Thank in...
9. Identification in a case (7,6) 11. Keep your head down (4) 17. Top and bottom (6) 27. Sounds like credit card (4) 28. Mobile sports (6,5) 31. Mind work out (6,5) 32 Sole protectors (4,5) 39. Take...