When were the sale of £1 bonds stopped as we have 4 we are tryig to find out ,who in the family they belong to. As they have 4 consecutive numbers probably bought in a bloc of 4 so finding out...
Hi All Wonder if anyone can advise please? My Mum works part time in a shop and has done for 7 years. She is 65. She is being made redundant and her employer says she is not entitled to any redundancy...
I am a privately registered dental patient (there are no NHS places available for me) and last December (4 months ago) I needed an emergency filling in a back top right molar. Obviously I had to pay...
17a Endless grief, cycling around avenue guarded by Hell's Angel?
In keeping with the theme of the puzzle (wine) I am thinking of anagrams of GRIE AVE
BIKER , less a letter per the preamble....
My cousins puppy has died. He was a 10 week old Bull Mastiff....so so cute. He'd been a bit poorly and had a couple of visits to the vet. They woke up this morning and he was dead :-( Where do they...
Have seen golden delicious in Poundstretcher but can't read the label. Anyone know about how tall they will grow. Just got rid of a very old tree and need something not above 5M to replace it.
Anyone else got fed up with the same meals each week, we tend to be on a sort of 2 week rota then back to the same all over again. Decided in January to try a new recipe each week, tends to be a...
6d I'm unfortunately turned over by trick, a computer fraud - -L-M- - - C-N-Q-E
Something technique?
7d New measuring device, reortedly for fruit - - E - N - - - E...
Can't nail this one - it's been driving me mad all week
25ac: Possible armadillo's backplate (6) a?i?a?
31ac: Quite right to punch minor (6) ???t?y
24dn: Part of car, or jumbo (6) ?u????...