I was going to cook an old fashioned suet pudding tomorrow. Just realised that my pudding basin has gone awol (a casualty of many house moves, i suspect). I've got three pyrex bowls which I normally...
79d Belgian statue (8,3) ?A??E?I? P?S . (Mannekin Pis) scrolled through Google and can only find this as MannekEn Pis, got the I from 101a Road (7) put highway, any other suggestions please. Thanks...
any help on these homophones please :) long hair, principal tossed, trans first murder victim, competent bawl, sea mammal ache, sheet yield, bean or pea bambi, darling egoistic, artery small room,...
Have three to get and am stuck! 2d Menacing types beginning to shoot those who've succumbed to torture 8 ?T?L?E?S 3d 29 (deer) in the shade 4 ?A?N 19d Key having secured Manson finally, some time ago,...
I'm stuck on a few. So your help will be gratefully appreciated.12d weak and likely to break. (7) 61a Remain static (5,5). 78d oldest Japanese city (5)
9d) ill-will (8) A?R???N? 23a) Debauched (7) i????A? 43d) very easy to use (5,5) i??o? pr?o? 62d) make a confession (4,5) ?o?? c??a? I have put Mannek'i'n Pis for 79d) Belgian statue (8,3) as I have...
To finish and key up 1d which I have N-T--- at the moment, 12a Reportedly in favour of any small group *) --u-s-me the only word that I can see that fits is Gruesome with many thanks in advance.......
9a) scornful remarks never allowe aboard ship (6) I have ??e?r? and 27a) decent guy in school attracted to masters (6) I have ?e?s?? and 23d) girl getting a second in Hebrew (4) I have ?e?? All help...
1d the very best dairy product (5) c---- 2d girl without a financial backer (5) a---- 3d musical about old model is nonsense (3,3) ho-/--- 10a they're used to revive stinky sailors (8,5)...