I have a very elderly relative who suffers from dementia and getting her used to even a new handset will be difficult enough without having to add a digital receiver to the mix! Can anybody recommend...
Further to my previous post http://www.theanswerb...y/Question980504.html The canopy company told me to make an insurance claim which I did, the assessor has been out today and turned down my claim....
I found this crossword very difficult this week. Stuck on several, but if I ask about 3, I might then get the rest. 17a: "Be audacious with satellite carrying ultimate in trechnology (3,2,2) t??...
We were interested in a house which sold for more than we offered. The chain is failing and the estate agent has come back to us. They want to exchange in 4 weeks and so to ensure we are good for the...
about 2 years ago my now estranged husband got a finance loan out to buy me a car, my then car went in as part ex at £3'500, I am the registered owner & keeper of the car, the car was bought...
I live with my mum (some of you regulars may recognise this story as she is on this website a lot!) and my dad just passed away at the weekend after a long stint in hospital... as if this wasn't...
Stuck on these 25a Accountant has books by Jack of Cambridge (6) ?????B 26d In addition three possibly, two we hear (7) ????e?o 30a A few are returning for her (4) ???a Many thanks in advance...
Stuck on these last two clues.
14D: ... has to become a Musketeer A?H?S (5)
26D: She's named on some minor label O?L? (4)
Any help would be appreciated please. Thanks in advance....
8a Within some concentration of time (4) 18a Is this above's one job description or expectation? (6,3,4,2,4) 24d Rugby supports frontline thrusts (5) ?r?p? 10a In a mindful manner of how one can be so...
If I put 14 down (urge salute for simple sanck - 3,2,5) as egg on toast,
I can't fit in 28 across (village hero?) as hamlet. letters so far are ??m?e?
My Dad died recently and my step-mum is the executor of the will. (Before I start, I would like to make clear that we get on well and I am not a greedy money grabber!! There, got that out of the way.)...
This is just a test with 20 questions and at the end you are given your mental age. http://mymentalage.com/new I did it twice, the first time I was 8 years older than my age, the second time 11 years...
stuck on some down clues! 4d A number of places for bees and herbs (6) 5d Moderate rainfails to cause it (7) 6d First it goes to the winner (5) 7d Not loot taken during air-raids! (7) 13d Harold was...
Can my employee force me to work notice, I have resigned and requested a specific finishing date. Obviously I do not expect to be paid for the notice period not worked. Other people have recently been...