Does HMRC automatically sort this payment out via tax code following year or am I expected to complete a form? I do not receive state pension but do get personal pension and pay 20% tax. Realise I...
Someone I know has been given a very short prognosis. They have some money in a long term account which has a 60 day withdrawal period. For ease they'd like that money to ho to their joint account. If...
I'm looking to buy new reading glasses because my eyes have changed now I'm over 40. I had a search and there are mainstream suppliers like Boots here -...
MasterMG went to his great grandparents today. My husband's first cousin was there with her granddaughter who is about 6 months older that MMG and they met for the first time and played beautifully...
Help! I’ve just done the stupidest thing ever! I’ve done boiled rice in my slow cooker but FORGOT to rinse it thoroughly first! I’ve tried leaving it in boiled water, rinsed it with boiling water -...