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The Squire's Clues 12D (7, 2) Is almost S-R-E-S -N Thanks...
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can anyone help me please, do you know the names of the first owners of the rovers return in corrie, help please
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can anyone help me please, do you know which nation is the most lactose tolerant in the world, with over 97 per cent of the population able to consume dairy products (7) BAITRNI, help please
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Hi my 20k ISA has matured and I am looking to put it where the best interest is. I have a santander 123 current account which pays 3% but tax is taken off but it still seems the place to put it as all...
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1. Like Margaret - many leave trademark of their work (8) 2. Trains used to depend on what this man recovered (4, 5) 3. He risks the elements to bring food (9) 4. Last of all ! grab camera, back...
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Tje beginning of end, inside horse 5 letters
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125a) Cube+Plum+Rush (5) 140a) Take by default at draughts (4) h?f? 151a) Account+Tenancy+Venture (5) ?o??? 62d) Part of a single natural valley (4) g?e? 143d) Kind, category (5) g???s...
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Name of a town (10) WATCKSEINH
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1d it's silly to sprinkle drops into sack ?????e???a?n??
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So you inherit a house and get a probate figure (in writing) from the Estate Agent. Most Estate Agents know the score and tend to value down the property to help reduce any inheritance tax that may be...
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Help please! 9dn: Working together at home on tackle 2,7)I have : i_ / h_r _ e _ _ Thank you!
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Does anyone have the answer to 4d clamour, 15a person at the crease and 16d supplier, commodity dealer T.i.A...
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20A. Prisoner gets beaten reportedly after loud dispute (8) C*N*L*C* Thanks in advance.
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daily telegraph 18.4.15 28a The film with the line "you have just defeated Nazism with a crossword puzzle" 9lt ?M?T?T?A? THANK YOU...
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12d. Mail carrier 6, and 6 letters. ( -r - o - r ) ( - e - - - r ) 20d. uncultivated course first to come undomesticated 3 and 4 letters. (r - n ) ( - - - d ) 18d. said building bl ocks actor found in...
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pick me up magazine 1 down thrash about in agony -r---e 11 across territorial struggle --r-/war many thanks...
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9a purposefull action or practice (1,5,2,2,3) a/-e-n-/t-/a-/e-d
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Answer must be a song with a place in the title (4,2,2,3,9) Possibly ends San Fransisco?
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Set out to get inside before time in wind.? E-S-e-l- I would put in directions to get extra? W-d- Tia...
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8d made out to be famous ??s?????o???d any help?...

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