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53a What shows policeman and troops having struggle after Metro collapses (8,5) D?????I?/M???E 34d Man in sequel performing like a tramp (12) ???P?I?E???? 51a Interpret old American poet (7) E???U?D
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Spanish soup served cold 9 letters a?o?l?n??. I can't find it anywhere so need help please.Thank's....
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Final two any help would be welcomed. 42a Like some feet but not others (6) I suspect Metric buy why? 39d Periodic upset Queen Elizabeth I (9) I suspect it is recurrent but why? Regards...
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Last Two.... 40D Spirit obtained from tree, hard, not safe to consume (3,6) 57A What must be done to deliver holiday shopping? (4-4) Thanks...
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31d have a part put in agreement Ive got P?A?A?T, so peasant looks OK but no reason Agreement seems like "pact" but can't fit in . Many thanks
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Last one - probably being dim! 44d Unexplained radar echo found by a girl ?N?E?A
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52a Clergyman joining in sticks with chapter header. (5,4) R?R?? / ?E?N Thank You...
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Help much appreciated. 19ac Report of resident enthralling a bishop (9) looks like an anagram . I have e?r?a?i?e. 22ac - Garment spread one end to the other (5) t?e?s - could be trews? Thanks....
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6D Undertake a dangerous enterprise - a phone call covers possible punishment. (4,3,3) B?L? /t/?e /?a? Any ideas folks? Thank you...
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4d Crush, and second crush (7)
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Last one 30A Fleeced regularly about car check-up only the exact statement is required (2,3,5) Any help appreciated.
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Help with these two please. 44ac Son and daughter eat fish and drink- it's in the kitchen (4-4) 33dn Part of revolver enemy used to capture English lines (6) Many thanks....

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