27d Bloomer made by English soldier visiting Italian city (9) A?U?L?G?A. I think I must have an across clue wrong somewhere. Please help me someone. Thanks
Not so good this week. Maybe I have some wrong clues. Anyway help please on the following: 10d What's Latin for "starting point"? A rum question as it turns out (8,1,3) T?R?I?U? A ?U?. 29a Small...
Well despite me thinking how relatively easy this was, I think I must have gone wrong somewhere as I have 30ac Like disheartened soldiers in recent return of fire. as E?E?E?M?L. Help needed please.
Help please. 25d Queen Anne just started following pages for drink (5) Q?A??. 36ac High-quality worker got round a lazy one (8) ??I?E?N?. Thanks in advance.
I need some help on the last piece of this crossword. I'm assuming 1ac 'Sponging Zoroastrian concealing a nerve problem' is PARASITIC. Assuming this is correct then 5d 'Grant aid to enclose top of...
Need to finish last one before my mind completely goes. 53ac Avoid conflict in company split over salaries, initially. (7) C?E?I??. Please help. Thank you.
Last 2 need help please. 48d Unnamed ruler over leaderless nation's capital ?i???i. 54a An Australian island beginning to resemble a backward state ??i?o?a. Thanks in advance.
Help please for last 2. 34d One taking trouble to embrace love, right. W?O?R. 51d Piper's beginning with Highlander's short lament ?E?P. Thanks in advance
Help for last 2 please. 31d HArmful substances found in canned beef ?O???S. 39a A number of benefices; a hundred in new town ???I?G?T?N. Thanks in advance
3d Cover oneself in pudding for one, holding top of dish up (3,7) G?T ?R?S?E?. 51a Wrong say, very familiar but having no name (12) ?L?E?I?I?A?E. Thanks in advance.