I've given this 24hrs of thought and can't see it. Someone please put me out of my misery. 43d Claimed there were mistakes in the Bible A?E?R?D. Assuming I have the across clues right, I can only...
5ac. Work for a long time without commission. (9) f---o-age 10ac. A jumpy creature, mostly in shock. (4) ---o 37ac. Evidence of disease you notice on tip of vegetable. (7) --e-p-t 41d. Governor taking...
I've looked too long at these last 3 clues. Someone please put me out of my misery-thanks in advance 27d Noble Italian demonstrates against leader in Abruzzo. ?A?C?E?A 35a Finances yield profit,...
16a "Sculptor, wanting title, to have one" (9) B?R?H?L?I 34d "Supply answer" (5) S?R?E These last two clues have outflanked me. If it's SERVE for 34d, why? And for...
1dn down beer when penning start of rough sketch(9) 3dn quite compartment on train invaded by a racket (7-4) 29dn posts one arriving outside castle he brings scant relief (4-9) 56a jokes about prunes...
8a expert chapter by thor heyerdahl (9) 19dn place that's dry and clean: york perhaps (4-4) -u-t -o-t 55a new red sign property of the firm (9) r---d-e-s thank in advance
Can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me what 56a is please. Possibly Joyce's Parisian friend backing substance of argument. I have I?A?I?T. Thanks
Not doing well on this one! 19a: ??d?u?t "Innermost fortification" 54a: ??d?l?s "Cheats meanly" 31d: ?a?ing "Very keen (to go)" 41d: ?l?g?a?? "Element resisting progress" Obviously I might have got...
Hello, all. I'm down to two and am hoping you can provide some help! 53a Lord Lytton's initials on book cover (5) B_ _ _ L 46d Think about speech (7) A_D_ _ _ S Thanks.