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For the second time in four months a woman driver has crashed in to me- a fastish rear end shunt on the North Circular. The crash was on Radio 2!!!!!. The stupid bint was a police officer and as she...
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johnlambert // eather2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.diggerhistory .info/pages-medals/white-feather.htm&h=295&w=4...
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I think there's a lot of misinformation circulating about this young man. He certainly has his problems but these can be remedied quite easily. There's a little-known procedure where a very small...
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on a serious note, why is it that if you exercise body muscles, they will increase in size and become stronger, but as a man, there is a certain muscle that no matter how much exercise it gets, it...
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leviathan 1
Free heroin for users! It could only be a suggestion under this cr@ppy gov Surely a better idea would be to mix drugs with lethal substances and put them back on the market thus resulting in the...
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China Doll
Pointless drivel section... please? Cheers China xx Ps: Five minutes before you ban this Ed? You've not liked my suggestions much recently, I'm hurt.... ;0)
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My wife has bought me a spa session and one of the treatments is the above, which I quite fancy. I have 3 questions: 1. As I am of Argentinian descent, I am naturally quite hirsuit therefore will it...
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in my junior school ( i'm 37 now ) i remember eating green custard, anybody know the recipe or where it's available from now? bloody lovely it was!
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Is it wrong to not love your partners children?? Does it come in time or not? My partner has a 6 yr old daughter and whilst I have tried and waited for emotional feeling for her to kick in they just...
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its boring now,dont you agree.
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It has be said on the news that when (or if??) the lovely Saddam gets hanged it will be filmed. I am fairly confident it will not be on TV but if it was, would you watch it? Morbid maybe, but in my...
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where has he gone? has he been banned again? I was looking forward to locking horns with him again
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Or do they prefer a bit of something to grab hold of? I know what I've read in magazines and the papers about this, but was wondering what AB men think.
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i don't really know where to put this question - so hopfully i picked a good place lol. since having my son my need for sex has just been not there at all - without being to graphic, down there just...
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Is it possible to love someone on sight or within a few days? my b/f said he loved me the moment he saw me,(he never told me straight away like ! ) told me after a month or so. However do any of you...
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Does Answerbag have a toolbar button you can add to personal toolbar for easier access to site?
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pie man
do you think that you can respect someone who you have sex with on the first date? also are you able to then have a long term relationship with them?
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Quite a few people seem to have new names today. Was there a mass banning last night???
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To cut a long story short, a man-mate (30) of mine had a choice of 2 women the other night... one was gorgeous, but her manner was very immature (20 going on 16) and not very good in bed, and the...
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Could everyone please refrain from having a sense of humour so that people without one do not get offended. Thanks in advance

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