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uncle fester

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Is there an online source giving details on Brian's guitar technique?
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andy hughes
Is Sarah Kennedy gay?
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Will the American people be told about the thousands of anti-war and anti-Bush demonstrators when George Dubya visits UK on Thursday, or will the US news only report his shaking hands with Prince...
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Which was the best result. Holland 6-0 Scotland, Wales 0-1 Russia, or Turkey going out to Latvia. I've no problem with our welsh and scottish brothers but I'm just sooooo pleased the world footballing...
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why is Mark Hughes called Sparky?
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uncle fester
How do you tell the age of a cat? ( without looking at it's nether regions!! )
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Is it just me and my mate(steve)who think that the beatles were rubbish. We think they were tuneless couldn't sing and are the most over rated group ever somebody must agree
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Justified or out of touch. I would say personally out of touch with the public mood on this issue. I think most people would agree that the FA have handled the affair badly, but I think all it has...
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which players have won the league title with 2 different clubs since 1968?
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Who is the best current golfer not to win a major?
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Who led the 1966 winning world cup team
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be called.. the London Snickers now? :-)
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Well? What genres or what specific tracks. And do you think loud lyrics take your attention away?
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ned flanders
......what are everyones opinions on the game ? I personally thought that Celtic were very well organised, professional and clinical and a credit to their country. This against a team who are finding...
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colm od
what are the lyrics to the song liverpool fans are currently singing to the tune of the 'fields of athenry'?
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I read that SK based this story on another horror story....does anyone know which one he was talking about.?
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Recently answered a posting by gazzawazza, in response to my original postin ..... you wouldn't let me post because of 'profanity'. I will admit that I was surprised to see GW using a certain N***...
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Serious question guys! (im sure you will take the p**s anyway, not literally though). Im sure im not the only one who 'suffers' from this, but i find it really hard to go to the toilet and use a...
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ned flanders
.................for the BOB mk II (Celtic v Liverpool) first leg. Bear in mind Heskey is injured for 'pool Henchoz is in suspenders. Agathe is out for the Jungle Jims and Larsson may not play or be...
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well, ................. I leave it up to you????

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