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Who accidentally brains himself when attempting an axe murder?
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How to get money with bad credit and no job?
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How worthwile an investment is it to purchase gold? Is it more rewarding than property?
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We are having an engagement party with over 83 people expected - however we have no idea how much food to buy? or the sort of cost it will be?
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Alan B
What is supposed to happen in the year 2012?
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My son refuses to let me help him with his toothbrushing (which mostly consists of sucking the water and toothpaste off the brush). Every once in a while I manage to get a toothbrush in there and...
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my husband looks at other women, its only for a few seconds but its still looking. i have moved out of our bedroom and refuse to leave the house with him. should i take the kids and leave?
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Where can I buy novelty pig slippers in London?
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i have recently become more and more aware of the dangers of fire related illnesses and (for want of a better phrase), found myself growing paranoid at the thought of SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. My...
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Reading ur previous answer regarding lingering effects of GA ...would u be able to identify a drug possibly used in the pre op or op theatre that makes the recipient feel like there is pressure on...
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If everyone in the world stopped eating meat, as it has been argued recently that we could, what exactly would we do with all the animals. There would be no need for chickens, pigs, turkeys etc. As...
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Help! Im a slappa and i dont know how to control myself!!!
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stressed out
I have been singing from a young age, not publicly. And i have spent alot of time in recording studios where i write and sing my own lyrics to a pre recorded Melody and beat but the cds just sit there...
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I recently saw jaimie oliver making these cookies with bleach in them, and he said as long as you use it in small amounts then it does not do you any harm. They looked really nice, and I would love to...
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Is drinking 2 litres of water enough to lose weight?
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i have found out today that i have recieved a bad referance from my line manager and the new job which i was offered subject to referance within the same nhs trust, was withdrawn because of the...
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At what age do you expect toddlers to talk? My friends little boy is 20 months and she thinks there may be something wrong...
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Ray the DJ
If a group of illiterate people used a ouija board, would they be able to spell out a message?
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if elephants where to become extinct, then what would human life be like?
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how do i get dirt stains off of my silk tie

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